Monthly Archives: January 2019

Climate Emergency declaration

Next week a motion is table at the Norwich City Council meeting, at 19:30 on 29 Jan (City Hall) to declare a climate emergency. Fingers crossed it gets passed!

climate emergency motion poster 2

If you support this, and live in the Norwich area, you could write to your local counsellor to ask them to support it too. Here are some suggested words:

“As you are one of my local councillors I am writing to ask that you vote to support the motion to Norwich City Council to declare a climate emergency (Item 8a in the agenda for the Full Council on 29.1.19.
I am sure you are fully aware of the danger of mass extinction if we do not take action immediately to stop global warming. The UN says we have 12 years left to prevent vast areas of the earth becoming uninhabitable.
Other councils, from Bristol to Milton Keynes, have already voted to acknowledge this emergency and take action, including calling on the Government in Westminster to provide the powers and resources for local authorities to address this threat. I urge you to support Norwich in joining them, and joining in the action we desperately need.
If you would like more information about positive actions and the climate change situation, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Please let me know how you intend to vote”

Let’s hope Norwich follows the example of other councils around the country, and perhaps Norfolk Country Council shortly after that.