Tag Archives: Climate Criminals


It’s been a few months since I’ve written a blog post, so I thought I’d check-in. I’ve been very busy with work, local elections and activism, and looking after the cat of course. Gideon is doing well, although he’s not happy when it gets too hot. Scroll down to the bottom for a short film I recorded with reflections from recent campaigns in London.

Thankfully he’s got lots of cool places to relax in. He tells me he’s conserving his energy, being a top predator and all that, ready to leap into action. He’s been practicing hunting techniques on empty egg boxes. Pretty sure the local wildlife population is safe.

Since I last wrote something here I’ve been elected as a district councillor in Broadland, with the Green Party. It’s still early days and I’m still learning lots, but I’m hoping to make a positive difference locally. I’ve met some amazing people, so many residents are concerned about our countryside being eaten up by new housing and road developments, lack of decent public transport, doctors surgeries etc. Lots to do. I will probably set up separate social media accounts for my councillor duties, to keep things distinct.

This doesn’t mean I’ll be slowing down on the activism front, I don’t feel I can afford to given where we are with ‘Global Boiling’, as Antonio Guterres called it the other day. So a dual pronged approached; civil resistance and pushing for change as a councillor.

I’ve been trying to get out for a walk at lunchtimes, not always successfully, but it’s nice to swing by the village duck pond. There have been lots of ducklings this year, as well as Moorhen chicks. The water level in the pond was starting to get very low recently but hopefully might have recovered a bit now.

Not to be left out, you’ll notice another picture of Gideon here. This was shortly before the string went everywhere and he ended up in a bit of tangled mess. Very helpful indeed.

I’ve not done as much as I’d have liked to in the garden this year. The tomatoes are very behind and have been battered by strong winds, but my courgettes, carrots, and onions are all doing well, plus some potatoes and brassicas. I’ve been enjoying some home grown raspberries too. My brother got me a brilliant new watering can for my birthday, all galvanised; it’s so often the simple things in life which bring the most enjoyment.

I leave about half my garden to go wild, meaning lots of interesting plants have appeared including wild carrot; not sure how edible wild carrot actually is, but might give it a go. The insects including bees and butterflies love all the wild flowers, and the higher ground coverage, compared with a mown lawn, keeps the soil cooler meaning it dries out less.

I also seem to have a lot of ants nests.

I went to a friends wedding a couple of weeks ago, a very magical affair; it was Harry Potter themed. Brilliant weekend out in the woods. Congratulations Lou and James! It reminded me that I must make time to get out in the woods more often, to practice the bushcraft skills I learnt a couple of years ago. They’re going to be more important than ever given our current trajectory due to climate change.

This really is a very mixed blog post. Politics, cat to garden, to weddings and now activism.

I’ve been down to London 4 times this year, 3 with Just Stop Oil and once with Extinction Rebellion. The Big One, by Extinction Rebellion, had around 100,000 people out on the streets, in a non-disruptive fashion, trying to raise the alarm on the climate and ecological crises. It was a brilliant few days but barely got any press coverage, and was largely ignored by the the Government. In comparison Just Stop Oil have hardly been out of the news, and whilst any public disruption is horrible, civil resistance seems to be the only way to get serious conversations going about the climate crisis, and stopping new oil and gas projects.

The 13 week campaign by Just Stop Oil saw numerous arrests for peaceful disruption, but also numerous interviews with news outlets, and lots of discussion in political circles. Civil resistance has a proven track record of bringing about change, from the civil rights movement to LGBTQ+ rights, to the right to vote and holiday pay. Lots of things we take for granted were only made possible by ordinary people protesting. It’s awful that the Government are bringing in more and more draconian laws, banning protest and harsher punishments for those arrested, however I think it’s a sign of just how desperate the Tories are getting, trying to cling on to power, and now it’s really starting to feel like change is possible.

My fear is that whilst change may be possible, we may have already passed too many tipping points and left it too late to reduce emissions, which are still increasing globally. I don’t think politicians, or many of the public, really realise what we have to do to survive, and how serious the crises are. After the final phase of the current Just Stop Oil campaign finished last week I recorded a short piece reflecting on my experiences.

My dear friends Jenn and Amanda are facing trial next week for peaceful protest against Barclays bank; Europe’s biggest polluting bank. Barclays really are climate criminals, investing millions into the fossil fuel industry for profit whilst the world floods and burns. Please support them if you can; trial in Kings Lynn from 02 to 04 August. Here’s the original report on their courageous action:


I’ll try not to leave it too long before the next blog post. It’s going to be a busy summer, and I’m just hoping the horrendous wildfires we’ve seen in many parts of the world aren’t repeated here.

Not an April Fools, just Fools

I know I post about the the Climate Crisis a lot. I know that it might bore some people. But this week has seen complete madness from our Government. And now this, and it’s not an April Fools.

Tax Cuts on Domestic Flights
Tax Cuts on Domestic Flights…lunacy

France has banned short-haul domestic flights to cut emissions, we on the other hand appear to be encouraging them, rather than investing in trains, buses and active transport. Apparently flight bookings have surged since this announcement

This week the Government were originally going to have a ‘Green Day’, instead it turned out to be a day of investing further in fossil fuels; an ‘Energy Security Day’. They want to open over 100 new oil and gas fields in the North Sea, a new coal mine, and claim that unproven carbon capture technology will make it alright; would you bet your future on a three legged horse? They won’t even end routine oil and gas flaring by 2025, a key recommendation.

The carbon capture thing just isn’t proven at scale, and is motivated by politicians and companies like BP, Shell and Exxon (climate criminals) wanting to make as much profit out of oil and gas, whilst the world burns. I strongly suspect carbon sequestration is also an attempt to not make loads of oil and gas infrastructure redundant, which would leave a massive stranded asset. They probably think they can make loads of cash off Europe by trying to store carbon under the North Sea, but it’s just gambling with our future. Money Money Money, Growth Growth Growth = Death Death Death.

People are already dying in their thousands from the Climate Crisis. One person every 36 seconds in East Africa due to climate induced drought/famine. Island nations such as Vanuatu and the Marshall Islands will cease to exist soon, and the Maldives where people love to fly to, ironically, on their holidays.

And the Government are worried about refugees and migrants. Well, we’re going to have billions of climate refugees soon, which will make the ‘small boat crisis’ seem like child’s-play. Millions will be displaced from Africa alone by 2050 – estimates range from 86 million upwards.

Our Government are failing to invest sufficiently in renewables, they won’t back onshore wind, they won’t make solar panels mandatory on new builds, they won’t prioritise improvements to the power grid to make renewable energy work better, they won’t prioritise insulating people’s homes sufficiently. Instead they subsidise the fossil fuel industry to the tune of £236m a week (£11bn a year), oh, and they do this whilst accepting donations from oil and gas companies and climate sceptics, but I’m sure there’s no connection. They’re homicidal maniacs.

The latest IPCC report says ‘There is a rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a liveable and sustainable future for all.’ They’re talking a few years. Government policy is a death sentence for future generations.

We’re not going to meet our emissions targets; 68% cut by 2030 and net zero by 2050. The UN say we need to bring the net zero target forward by 10 years anyway. The target to keep temperature increases to 1.5C above pre-industrial averages is blown; we’re on target for +2.7C by 2100, which will be disastrous. Chris Skidmore MP, Chair of the Net Zero Review, has told the Government that any investment in new oil and gas means we won’t hit targets. The UN, IPCC, International Energy Association, thousands of climate scientists, all say no new oil and gas.

We have enough reserves to last us 7+ years whilst we transition to renewables, which incidentally are 9 times cheaper than fossil fuels, and far quicker to come online (months not years). What the hell are the Government doing aside from lining their own pockets, and supporting the billionaires running the fossil fuel industry and right wing press? It’s all short term profit for a few, over people and planet, and during a cost of living crisis.

They are breaking their own laws on meeting targets. This was demonstrated last year when Friends of the Earth took them to the High Court, who deemed the Government’s Net Zero Strategy unlawful on the grounds that they didn’t forecast the emissions impact of its policies, and that third-party forecasts put the impact far short of what would be needed for the UK to meet its legally binding climate targets.

They lie, misdirect, and cheat. If I hear one more claim that we’re ‘world leading’ I might just explode. Do they really think we’re that stupid? The stats might have shown a reduction in emissions but that’s because we’ve outsourced the production of so much we consume to places like China and India, which those stats don’t include, not to mention the transportation of those goods (aviation or shipping).

Antonio Guterres, the UN Secretary General, says ‘We’re on the highway to climate hell with our foot on the accelerator.’

The Conservative Government are criminals, they are knowingly committing murder. They are killing people in the Global South now with their policies, and wiping out our children’s futures. This is a strong word, but really it’s an act of genocide being committed by our Government and Governments around the world, especially in the Global North, for failing to act decisively on the climate crisis whilst actively investing in the root causes. All the science says we shouldn’t invest in new oil and gas. What else would you call it? They know what will happen but are choosing to ignore it in favour of profit.

Who do you trust? It’s time to pick a side. I am incensed, grieving, sickened. All the solutions are there but the Government are choosing to do the opposite of what’s needed. We can’t go on like this, but we can come together, work together, and force the changes needed. We have to unite to survive.

If you’ve read this far, thank you. It was meant to be a short blog on the short haul flight thing, but there’s so much idiocy from our Government it turned into something far longer.

I, and thousands of other ordinary people, are in rebellion against our criminal Government. We’re aiming to get 100,000 people outside Parliament from 21 to 24 April, to send a message they can’t ignore to those in power. The Big One is being organised by Extinction Rebellion, with supporters such as Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, Earthday, Global Justice Now and many others.

If you can’t do anything else, then please join us for ‘The Big One’. And drop me a message if you want some ideas on how you can get involved by joining 1000’s of others in taking action on the climate and ecological crisis.


I’ve not even mentioned new road building, HS2, that we’re the most nature denuded country in Europe, the indigenous climate protestors being killed for taking action, that water companies are making massive profits whilst polluting our rivers and on and on and on. I think I’d better go outside and take some deep breaths.

One other bit of news this week. Gideon has been quite poorly. I had to take him to the vets for an emergency procedure on Tuesday for a blocked urethra. Apparently this isn’t uncommon in male cats, especially when the seasons change. The procedure was successful, and he had a very long wee afterwards. There is a risk it will block again so he’s got to take medicine for a while, which he hates, and has to have special urinary cat food now. Fingers crossed he’ll be alright but I’m having to keep a close eye to make sure he can wee, poor thing. Here he is, convalescing.

As we say when we sign off in Extinction Rebellion, Love and Rage.