Tag Archives: depression

F*cking Hostile

This poem is inspired by anxiety and depression, and by rage. The bands Pantera and Rage against the Machine also contributed. And love, I cling on to love. It’s probably not very poetic, I only got a ‘B’ in GCSE English, more of a list.

I do love stuff,
I’m sure I do,
It’s just overshadowed by,
Especially tonight,
Especially some days,
When I listen to politicians,
Why do I listen to politicians?
I guess I’m a politician,
I’m a councillor.
Am I a twat too?
The system in broken,
Hostile to love,
Hostile to life.

I abhor the banks,
Yet I work for a bank,
It’s not the worst bank, but it’s still a bastard bank.
Does that make me complicit?
I’m trying to change it from the inside,
Same as being a politician,
But maybe I’m just weak.
The hedge funds, the banks, the investment companies,
Profit penalises, promotes poverty,
Pressure to put money into pollution,
To build shareholder joy,
To maintain business as usual,
Business as usual is killing us.

The Media, where do I even start?
Complicit in denial, in cover ups,
In denying Climate Breakdown,
In leading us astray,
In creating division, creating hate,
Guilty of spreading misinformation,
Paid by lobbyists just like politicians,
Profiting whilst we’re in ignorant peril,
Pulling strings, poisoning our brains.

Walk, walk down by a river,
Look at the plastic, the poo,
Water companies making insane money,
Their CEOs and Shareholders making moolah,
Whilst our water kills wildlife.

Why do we let this happen?
We don’t need to let this happen.
We could stop it, if we wanted to.
If we felt empowered to.
If we realised we had the power.
We need a Vulgar Display of Power.

Screw Nimbyism,
Sod off those that think,
We need to preserve our nice view of nature,
Over actually saving nature,
And ourselves,
Solar panels look nasty, 
Try fire, famine, flood you loons,
Try not having food, shelter, water,

Try living on an island,
Which will be swamped by rising sea levels,
We do,
Much of London will be under water,
Same as many other coastal cities,
And football grounds,
Maybe people care more about football grounds.

Farmers. I like farmers.
But they’re proper screwed.
Climate breakdown, Brexit, Supermarkets.
Pressure to be nature friendly,
Pressure to give us cheap food,
Pressure to shut up and not drive their tractors into Parliament Square,
Take your Tractors, your siege machines,
To the centre of power that is destroying all of us,
We will join you.
We have had enough.
But sorry, stop with the glyphosate,
The bee killing,
The pesticides and excessive fertilisers parodying Eden,
And people, it’s okay, you’re not gonna die,
If you eat a little less animal.
You might even live,
A little longer.

Artificial Intelligence, what do you reckon?
So far i’ve seen friends sacked,
Jobs replaced, brains made redundant,
An endless drive to more servers, more tech,
More replacement,
Of us.
Sure, medical advances, like them,
But take the fucking Red pill.

Planes over my house,
Helicopters to oil and gas rigs,
Just friggin’ stop,
It’s not the noise,
It’s the countdown,
The countdown to extinction with every plane flight,
The complete ignorance and disregard,
It also annoys my cat.

And we try to speak,
To raise our voices,
To say no Sunak, no Coutinho, no Shapps, no Hunt,
No to all of you who keep,
Kicking us in the kidneys,
Betraying us,
Killing our children,
Whilst you make millions,
I’m sorry, actually I’m not,
Just polite upbringing,
Fuck off.

And our voices are being subverted,
By social media, algorithms, 
The rich trying to control us,
The judicial system silencing free speech,
Draconian laws stopping peaceful protest,
Come on, do you wanna be numb,
Or alive?
Stop fucking believing this farce,
This dance of death.

Please. Friends. I’m done,
Pretty much out.
You say you understand, but do nothing.
You fly, you buy,
You just carry on with the abuse,
You’re killing yourselves, your children.
Your sodding retirement,
If that means more.

Do something.
The Resistance is Real.
The Revolution is building.
The Umbrella. Look it up.
It’s actually pretty exciting.
And might mean we stand a chance.
Get on board.
